Oh, the fun they had!
It was SO cute watching them get so excited and wave (with all their hearts) when a car would drive around the corner, and so sad when a car didn't stop...I mean what's wrong with these people who don't stop for two little boys out in this AWFUL Texas heat trying to sell a cup of lemonade for $0.50???
It didn't take long for some of our sweet neighbors to come over with full pockets of money. Now we are in business! :o)
Oh, the fun they had. We were so proud of them for sticking it out for almost 2 1/2 hrs. during the hottest part of the day (not sure just how hot, but it was definitely over 100 degrees). :~(
It was really cute watching them count their money and get so excited as the tally got higher.
The boys made almost $40.00. Divide that by 2, set aside 10% for tithe, and I think they are ready to do some shopping in China (we hear $1.00 can go a long way there).
I think the best part of the experience was listening to the kids talk about how God really blessed them for all their hard work. Mark's exact words, "Mommy, God really does bless you when you work hard, and have a good attitude about it...cause He sure did bless us today!" Love their little God hearts.
What a great memory none of us will ever forget...Thank you God! :o)